#7 Show Sensational Video Marketing on the “V” Train

In this post, we will explore how video marketing can become your secret ingredient to success.
AI "V" from Google Gemini, representing video marketing.

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Your coffee shop is more than a place to grab a caffeine fix, it is a place to meet the community.  However, in today’s digital age, there are numerous other shops and cafes vying for attention using the techniques we have discussed in other posts in the series.  So what can you do to gain the edge and stand out from the crowd and attract new customers?

The answer comes from video marketing.  It is one of the harder forms of marketing, since you have to do the video recording and edit the video.  However, it is likely being made a little easier with artificial intelligence.  Video marketing utilized effectively can capture the essence and nuances of your coffee shop and allow you to share it with the world.  Video is a dynamic medium that transcends the static images of other marketing methods and invites viewers to step into your world and experience the magic first hand.

In this post, we will explore how video marketing can become your secret ingredient to success.  Our learning will begin with creative video ideas, effective social media strategies, and how to measure the return on investment.

Why Video Marketing Can Work for Your Coffee Shop

Youtube on a smartphone.
Youtube — image by mohamed hassan from pixabay


Video marketing works, because people’s brains are wired for visuals and we are able to process images thousands of times faster than text.  Most people when scrolling through a feed on social media will stop on a video because it is more engaging.

There are many places to host your videos and billions of videos are being watched daily.  However, people are not just passively watching, they are actively getting involved, sharing, and commenting.  Videos illicit a conversation, a dynamic exchange of ideas, emotions and can bring more feeling to your viewers and to your website.

For your coffee shop, videos are an opportunity for you to transcend the limitations of static images and written descriptions.  With video marketing, you can capture the feeling of smelling freshly ground coffee beans, the steam swirling from a latte, and the sound of laughter from friends gathered around a table.  In short, you can convey the soul of your shop, the warmth of the atmosphere, and the passion behind your craft.

For example, an image of a cappuccino is nice, but imagine a video of a barista meticulously crafting the cappuccino, with the milk swirling into the espresso, and the tap to create the perfect foam.  It makes a more immersive experience that draws people in.  Video marketing is the perfect match for a business that is steeped in the sensory experience and the perfect blend to attract your audience.

Creating Content for Your Video Marketing

Video template on a desktop.
Video template — image by 200 degrees from pixabay


In any video marketing effort the goal is to capture attention, spark interest, and bring customers through your door.  It is important for any video to be authentic, creative, and interesting.  There are several ways to accomplish this, which are below.

Provide a Behind-the-Scenes View of Your Coffee Shop

As part of your video efforts, you can provide a snapshot of what goes on behind the counter at your coffee shop.  Introduce your baristas, showcase their skills, and highlight the effort that goes into each cup.  If you have a special roaster you work with or a unique brewing method, share it with the world.  Customers love to see the human element and the passion that goes into your business.

Some ideas on behind the scenes videos include:

  • A Day in the Life: Show the work of your baristas from the morning rush to the afternoon lull.  Document the rhythm of their work, the camaraderie, and the artistry of each latte.
  • Meet the Team: Share the stories of each of your baristas and talk about their unique skills, and personalities.  For instance, one may be a latte art champion, another roasts their own beans, and another knows all the origins of coffee.  This can help your audience connect the faces behind your brand.
  • From Bean to Cup: Viewers can see what happens from coffee bean to the finished cup of coffee.  In the process, you can show your roasting process, grinding techniques, and brewing methods.
  • Show Your Equipment: Show the equipment you use to produce the perfect cup.  Those customers who are into coffee will appreciate the details and it can add some authenticity to the brand.
  • Showcase Your Space: Take viewers on a virtual tour of the coffee shop and show what makes it special as a “third place.”  For instance, you could show the work of a local artist or a comfortable couch that customers can sit on.

Have Product Spotlights as Part of Your Video Marketing

Do you have a seasonal latte that is the talk of the town?  A delicious pastry that pairs perfectly with your coffee?  Then create a video that shows these tempting treats.  Show the vibrant colors, textures, and mouthwatering flavors.  Make your products into objects of desire and influence viewers to want to have the same experience.  Some approaches in highlighting products in your video marketing include:

  • The Close-Up: A close-up video could feature a slow-motion shot of a latte being poured with the foam swirling into a pattern.  The camera can show the glistening surface with music that is smooth and inviting.
  • The Taste Test: Show a satisfied customer who is taking the first sip of your seasonal latte.  Capture their expression of pure delight and their eyes widening with pleasure.  Along with the video, have a voiceover describing the flavor such as – the subtle hints of spice, the creamy texture, and the lingering sweetness.
  • The Origin Story: Share the story of your coffee.  Does it come from a specific region and is it sustainably sourced?  Showcase the farmers, the land where the coffee is grown, and the unique characteristics of the beans.  The information shown can add authenticity and intrique to your product.
  • The Pairing: Suggest the perfect pairing for featured products.  For instance, a croissant with your cappuccino or slice of cake with your Americano.  Have a visually appealing composition that shows the complementary flavors and textures.
  • The How-to: Produce a video that shows how to make a specialty coffee cocktail.  This can add an element of interactivity and makes viewers want to try it themselves.

Have Customer Testimonials

Video marketing can feature real people sharing their genuine experiences at your coffee shop.  When a potential customer sees a real person raving about their experience at your coffee shop, it gives a level of trust and credibility.  Be sure to capture their smiles, laughter, and positive testimonials.  There are several ways to do testimonials, which are listed below.

  • The Casual Interview: Ask a regular customer about their favorite drink, pastry, or what they love the most about about your shop.  Attempt to keep the conversation natural and unscripted.
  • The Storyteller: Offer an incentive for customers to share a story about their experience at your coffee shop.  It could be where they met their best friend, had their first date, or celebrated a milestone.  Having personal narratives add depth and emotion to the testimonials.
  • The “Why I Love…” Video: Have a place where customers can complete the sentence “I love [Your Coffee Shop Name] because…”  Then compile a series of the answers.
  • The Social Media Shoutout: Encourage customers to share their experiences on social media, tagging your coffee shop in the process.  Then repost the testimonials on your own channels to amplify the reach and show your appreciation.

Having Community Events as Part of Your Video Marketing

People at an event.
Community event — image by augusto ordóñez from pixabay


Show the energy and excitement of events such as a live music night, poetry slam, or a latte art competition.  Videos showing your events can help to attract new customers and establish your shop as a local hub for entertainment.  For inspiration, here are some ways to project the energy and excitement of your events on video.

  • The Highlight Reel: Emphasize the key moments of your event – the laughter, the music, the conversations, and the shared passions.  Bring snippets together into a video of highlights to show the atmosphere and energy of your coffee shop.
  • The Interview: Talk to attendees and performers during the event.  Show their enthusiasm, insights, and personal connection to the event.  Having an interview can add a personal touch and gives viewers different perspectives.
  • The Teaser: Before an event occurs, create a short, exciting video promoting it.  Give the highlights, the data and time, and any special offers that are included.
  • The Recap: After the event, make a recap video showing the highlights and thanking everyone who was involved.  This can reinforce the community of your shop and build anticipation for the next event.
  • The Livestream: If you have the equipment for it, consider live-streaming the event on social media.  This allows people who cannot attend to still see it and expands the reach of the event beyond your coffee shop.

Have Education Content

You can also use video marketing for educational content to establish yourself as an authority in the field.  For example, you can create short, informative videos about brewing methods, the origins of coffee beans, or simple recipes for coffee-based cocktails.  For inspiration, some examples are below.

  • Brewing Methods De-Mystified: Demonstrate the world of coffee brewing, by showing the nuances of pour-over, the art of French press, and the precision of espresso extraction.  Go further and break down the process, explain the variables, and give your viewers the information they need to become home-brewing heroes.
  • Explore the Origins of Your Beans: Examine the world of coffee cultivation and talk about the unique characteristics of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, the boldness of Sumantran Mandheling, and the delicacy of Columbian Supremo.  Help your viewers appreciate where the beans come from and why they are different.
  • Coffee & Flavor Pairings: Coffee is not just a beverage, it is a symphony of flavors waiting to be explored, similar to wine.  Produce videos that explore the art of coffee pairing.  For instance, match a dark roast with a rich chocolate cake and a light roast with a fruit pastry.  Viewers can enjoy coffee more with a culinary harmony and will remember they learned it from your shop.
  • DIY Coffee Recipes: Educate your viewers to become coffee mixologists.  On a video, share coffee-based cocktails, homemade syrups, and creative concoctions with coffee that they can make at home.
  • Coffee Myths Busted: Tackle common coffee misconceptions.  Answer the questions, of “Is dark roast really stronger?” “Does adding milk negate the health effects?”  Become a purveyor of coffee truth.

Hosting Videos on Social Media

When you think of video marketing content, the most obvious place to host the videos is likely YouTube or its open-source counterpart, PeerTube.  However, you can also host, at least shorter videos, on social media.  To choose which channel, like with other marketing forms, you need to understand your target audience and where they are hanging out.  Also consider, that each platform has its own unique flavor and content has to be adjusted and designed for it.  Below is a list of some of the various social media channels you can use:

  • Instagram: While Instagram is generally known for hosting high-quality photos, it can also host short videos.  When using Instagram, be sure to include the applicable hashtags to reach a wider audience and make an effort to respond to comments, answer questions, and build a community.
  • Facebook: On Facebook, you can have longer videos than Instagram or even the other social media channels have, except YouTube.  Here you might want to consider posting updates about events or targeted ads.  Facebook is a great place to build relationships with customers and keeping them informed.
  • TikTok: Known for its short video content, this social media caters to the youngest of consumers.  On TikTok, you can show the various trends and your personality.  As part of the videos, try to include catchy music, fun transitions, and maybe a coffee-themed dance challenge.
  • Pinterest: This social media is known for its Pins, but the same pins that host images, can host short videos as well.  Pinterest, which has a female-oriented demographic, would be a good place to highlight various drinks and pastries and the recipes you use to make them.

Combining Video Marketing and Email

Email marketing which is a direct line to your most loyal customers and is talked more about on this post, can also have a link to your video content.  Imagine if instead of seeing a wall of text in an email, your see an image link to a video about a seasonal drink or the cozy atmosphere of your shop.  It makes your email not just an advertisement, but an experiment.

Having a video in an email can significantly boost your email list, engagement and click-through rates.  Studies show that people are more likely to watch a video than read a lengthy email.  Additionally, a call to action within the video can drive them to your website.  Some of the things you can include in the emails are:

  • Promoting Special Offers: You can announce a theme day or a discount on a new pastry with a video.
  • Showcase New Products: Introduce a new single-origin Ethiopian coffee with a video exploring its unique flavor profile and origin story.
  • Announce Events: Promote special events such as music or art with a video showing past events at your shop.

How to Measure Your Video Marketing Efforts

It is not enough to just create videos; we need to understand their impact and effectiveness at accomplishing the goals we want.  To do this, we can look at analytics, similar to the other marketing channels.  Some of the metrics to look at regarding videos are:

  • Views: This metric indicates how many times your video has been watched.  However, a high amount of viewers is meaningless if people are not doing the desired action.
  • Watch Time: How long viewers are actually watching your video.  For instance, are they dropping off after a few seconds, or are they watching till the end?  This metric shows your content’s ability to hold attention.
  • Engagement: Are viewers, liking, commenting, and sharing your video?  Actions such as these indicate a deeper level of interaction and interest.
  • Conversions: Are your videos driving traffic to your website, generating leads, or boosting sales?  Tracking conversions allows you to directly link your video marketing efforts to those areas that perform the best.

Most video platforms, such as YouTube, offer built in analytics dashboards.  Some of the information that can be obtained includes demographics, watch time patterns, and how viewers found your video.  Other things you can find out by analyzing the data are:

  • The types of videos that are performing best.
  • The peak viewing times.
  • Where viewers are dropping off.
  • Are calls to action effective?


As a finishing touch, remember that this is just the beginning of what you can do with video marketing.  The true magic lies in your hands and your ability to translate these concepts into tangible action.  Experiment with different video formats, explore diverse platforms, and throughout the process, infuse your unique personality and passion into every video.


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