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Tom Bartholomew


Tom Bartholomew Bio Image.

Bartholomew Media Group

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Tom Bartholomew

Facing Digital Challenges in Roofing and Home Services

In the dynamic world of roofing and home services, establishing a robust online presence is more essential than ever. Businesses in this sector often face the challenge of standing out in a saturated digital market. The key struggle? Developing an online identity that not only grabs attention but also effectively turns visitors into devoted customers.

Key Pain Points for Online Growth

  • Visibility Struggles: Lost in the digital crowd, unable to attract the right audience.
  • Conversion Hurdles: Difficulty in turning online traffic into actual sales.
  • Marketing Complexity: Navigating the intricate world of digital marketing can be overwhelming.
  • Outdated Techniques: Employing digital strategies that no longer yield results.
  • Brand Consistency Issues: Struggling to maintain a cohesive and compelling online brand identity.


Elevating Your Business with Comprehensive Digital Solutions

Our full-service marketing approach is tailored specifically for roofing and home service businesses. We offer more than just web design and SEO; our comprehensive digital strategy covers all aspects of online marketing. We develop websites to attract leads, use targeted SEO for higher rankings, and expertly manage Google and Facebook Ads to reach your target audience effectively. Our services also include managing directory listings, streamlining customer relations with our custom CRM, RoofingOP, enhancing online authority through press releases and backlinks, and maintaining brand engagement through social media and graphic design. Partner with us to turn your online presence into a powerful asset, driving your business to greater digital success.

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